Thursday, January 7, 2010


No, not the “Drop a New Body of Creative Work” kind, idiot! The “Let It Go and Watch Yourself Fly” kind…

Early last year I had a phone conversation with the most incredible woman I know; my mom. She said some of the simplest things to me that sounded like a wave of Enlightenment Water crashing refreshingly against the rocky shores of my needlessly tormented beaches. Right now, a full year later, I bathe in the same coolness those words bring to my life. I’d like to share those simple words with you. Paraphrased of course in Zubz fashion but authentically Catherine nonetheless…

Release it. Let it go. Watch yourself fly.

There you are holding on so tightly to it like your life depends on it. Can you see that your life is a free gift, effortlessly sustained in love? Stop holding so tightly, relax and Release it.

There you are keeping it relevant to your Today when it was fully a yesterday thing. It’s as though your Today and Tomorrow depend on it. Can you see that since you Released it you moved past it and begun to know love? Stop keeping it relevant, you’re over it; Let it go.

There you are pandering to a life among the terrestrial, bogged down by the familiarity of being bogged down and its false sense of security. Can you see that nothing tethers you here and that your place is among the stars? Embrace your true nature as celestial, spread your wings and soar. Then take time out to look at how wondrous and marvelous you are, angelic and free. Watch yourself Fly.

Release it. Let it go. Watch yourself fly.

The best thing about Release is when you get to see how in letting it go, you breathe easier and sleep better, sure, but you also end up getting exactly what it is you were holding tightly for in the first place. It’s as though the only thing preventing you from being where you wanted so badly to be was that you wanted so badly to be there…

Live Now.


Unknown said...

its really funny how true 'release' can really be. its just that its not as easy to do it practically. there are just so many mental chains we have to break free from.

Blaqphamas said...

True release, I'll know it when I get there Zubz... But this speaks to me... I'll reference this on my next blog post. - ELVO